Stitches and More

Stitches and More
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands... Proverbs 31:13

Sunday, October 13, 2019

New Stash!

A while ago I was the lucky winner of a little give away on Shelly's blog.  She was very generous by giving me a gift certificate to 123 Stitch.  Since I was getting ready to go on a couple of trips I didn't get to use it immediately, but I finally did make an order and it arrived yesterday!  I got several charts that I've been wanting, the new JCS Ornament issue and some fabric, threads and beads for upcoming projects. It was wonderful to be able to apply the certificate to the order!!  Thanks Shelly!!


Shelly said...

Oh that's great Mary, you're welcome! Love what you bought. Whatever you're planning with that fabric and those skeins of red, it'll look great:)

Mary said...
