Stitches and More

Stitches and More
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands... Proverbs 31:13

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stitch From Stash February 2014

Here's what I opened my curtain to a few days ago!  In the pic he looks like a monster lizard, but this little guy is about 5 inches long!  The past few weeks has brought out lots of them, and at any given time during the day you can see them running around on our walls out back.  Occasionally they come closer and sit on the patio.  I must say they are very bold and don't really run from me when I get near.  One actually sat so still I managed to touch it's tail...then he ran!

OK, now for a brief update on the goings on in the stitchy world...

I finished the pink socks (last post), started and finished 2 more pair: 

The striped/gray ones are sport socks using leftover yarn from my 1st pair and some random gray.  In my shoes it won't matter about the 2 colors, and I didn't want to waste the pretty yarn!

I started this new pair.  They will be somewhat short as I don't like socks that fall at mid-calf.  I have always worn either knee socks or sport type.  I guess I could knit a pair of knee highs, but that's a lot of knitting! 

I started another scarf and got a little bit done.

Here are 2 little baby hats that I started and finished.  These are for a charity project that my knit/crochet group will be participating in.  

I did manage to put a few x's in a baby gift, but no pics yet.

Thanks for stopping by!


Chris said...

Lovely knitting!
We have those little lizards everywhere in the summer...

Brigitte said...

Great knitting!