Stitches and More

Stitches and More
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands... Proverbs 31:13

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Another Tiny Finish and Something Crazy!

The Little Santa (#3)
Bent Creek
c. 2005
10/7/2012 - 10/13/2012

Here's another little finish.  I just love this Santa!  (This is the 3rd time to stitch him)  This time was on a 20 count mystery fabric from my stash with DMC Perle Cotton # 5. I need to plan some time to do the finishing on several smalls very soon!  Will post pics as I do.

Now, the crazy part... DH and I have progressively been staying up later and later.  Last night we started watching a movie about 1:30 a.m.  Then, after that another one, and then a few shows that we had recorded.  Pretty soon we decided we were hungry, so had the bright idea (or crazy idea) to head over to Micky D's for breakfast.  I think we were there by 6:30 a.m. or so!  Our coffee revived us, so then we went grocery shopping and then home by 9!  Took a brief nap early afternoon, and have felt like *!#@ the rest of today!  I feel like I do when I don't sleep on a flight across the pond (which is every time) and try to put in a full day before collapsing!  Will be in bed by midnight for sure!!!



Daffycat said...

This is such a sweet little finish. I adore Bent Creek designs and this Santa is one of their best.

Oh to be retired and able to stay up late if you feel like it! You do pay for it though, don't you? LOL

Becky K in OK said...

I have those sleepless nights sometimes. Usually too tired to do anything productive like stitching though. I've forgotten to finish a stitching piece, only to see the omission once I've completed the project! Such is life. Glad you caught the missing pom pom.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

OH, I love the inspire me to pick up my needle again. :)

I can't stay up late anymore either. I use to could get about 2 hours of sleep when I was younger and be perfectly ok the next I need at least 6 or I can't function.

So glad you are back to blogging again. I love seeing all projects.

Blessings always my dear friend.

Shelly said...

Nice to see you blogging again Mary! Yup, those all-nighters are for the young and the brave! When I stay up to midnight and then wake up early the next morning, I feel hungover and that's without the booze!

Santa looks wonderful and since I know personally of your finishing, can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for your smalls.

Have a great Sunday!

Brigitte said...

Staying up late - I might be doing this, too, when I'll be retired next summer. I'm already looking forward to that.
Very nice little Santa.

Deb said...

I stay up late all the time. I don't know what it is about my body, but I could stay up all night and sleep all day. Too bad it can't happen like that though.

Very cute little Santa. Putting the pom pom on shouldn't be a problem!