Stitches and More

Stitches and More
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands... Proverbs 31:13

Sunday, February 12, 2012

BAP Update

Here it is, nearly the middle of February! Where does the time go? We are expecting some wintery weather later this evening, and into the night. Should get a little snow and freezing rain, but we won't be snowbound for days and days as last year. The temps should be back up in a couple of days to normal or above normal. But, hopefully I'll get some stitchy time by the fire!

This is the Day is moving along nicely and much quicker than I expected. I think the BAP Challenge has motivated me to continue stitching, instead of putting it aside and starting something new. Depending on the light, the windows seem to fade into the house color, so a bit of outlining may be necessary.

Last week I spent some time going through my fabrics, and re-folding and re-sorting by color. It hadn't been done in a while. I picked out several pieces and made some project pouches with zippers for some of my larger WIPs on stretcher bars. Hope to get some more done soon, but need to pick up a few more long zippers.

I'm thinking I need to get a pot of soup going, and maybe something baking in the oven to heat up the kitchen! Umm! Sounds good...


Carla said...

love the colors in this's looking good :)

Shelly said...

Your BAP is coming along nicely Mary! And I'll be by for dinner!

Lynn said...

Lovely progress on This Is The Day!
What fabric are you using for this Mary? It's a really nice shade of colour.

Shirlee said...

Very nice stitch! What kind of soup did you end up making & what did you bake? Blessings, Shirlee