Stitches and More

Stitches and More
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands... Proverbs 31:13

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Quaker Christmas

I've been stitching like crazy on this one for a few days, and this is all I have to show for it! This is a big design, and this is roughly 1/4 complete. I love it, but the one color does get to me after a while. Here is where I began:


Ranae said...

Looking great!
I should get mine out

Deb said...

I can imagine that working with one color could get to you after a while, but your piece is gorgeous and worth every minute!!

Deborah said...

You have made great progress, This piece is stunning.

Shirlee said...

Great progress! You will be happy you spent all that time on it when it's done : ) Blessings, Shirlee

Carol said...

I just love this one, Mary! It may not seem like you got much done, but anyone who stitches knows how long it takes to do one seemingly little motif :)

Carla said...

it's a beautiful design, you're doing great!

Lynn said...

I do see progress there! It really looks fabulous Mary although I'm sure the single colour does tend to get a bit tedious. Stick with it though. The results will be wonderful!